
Friday, December 6, 2013


Ever since the global recession in 2008, the world output in merchandise trade has shrunk to 5% down by 0.8 points of global trade index (IMF data). Albeit the Asian markets have shown the signs of recovery are once again gone back to bearish trend due to Euro zone crisis. Who will revive the gloom in the world economy…….Is it G-20, World Bank, IMF?  Or one should expect the resurrection of Keynes?
The fundamental reason for this bleak scenario in world economy is due to the new structure of capitalism. I am neither a Marxist nor using the language of Marx. Today we need a Nationalist capitalists rather than Neo-capitalists. A nationalist would like to invest in a stock with an objective of improving the long term productivity of the company. The neo capitalists on the other hand prefer to invest in stocks, actively influencing a company’s decision making, They can enhance their wealth only by buying and selling their stock in anticipation of fluctuations in its value .As a result the productivity is unlikely to improve unless these neo capitalists invest to enhance long term productivity rather than to simply maximizing short term profits.
Ireland for example opened its doors for international investors to invest in their companies. Almost all MNCs in the world have a corporate office in Ireland. The global recession has proved their policy wrong with the flight of capital from their country. What it has given Ireland is petty clerical jobs, forced the country to join the club of PIGS (PORTUGAL, IRELAND, GREECE, SPAIN) which are deep down in economic slump. China on the other hand encouraged the short term investors to invest manufacturing companies let it is Toys to Toyota and strengthened a strong manufacturing base to support employment for millions. The policy makers are more on improving the productivity in the economy .No doubt china’s manufacturing sector also has slowed down but considering its future prospects it is far ahead from others.
In India the flaws began at the policy level itself, how can one expect a drastic turn out in the revival of the economy? We speak loud at all global platforms regarding the adaption of policy for renewable energy as a part of greening ones economy (Green GDP) but in reality what we do…..let me give an example
Andhra Pradesh has set up a prestigious renewable energy power plant to make power out of rice husk at Rajahmundry. Initially there were no contracts the power can be sold freely. But recently APTRANSCO has made the mandatory contract with the power plant that it has to sell the power at 3.5 rupees per unit in order to bring down the cost. The cost of production itself takes 4 rupees per unit how can one expect the power plant to operate; it has shut down due to non viability. The fundamental flaw lies in the policy not allowing the power plant company to freely operate until it stands competent to stand with conventional power Discoms, later the government can impose restrictions to bring down the price of unit power.
The small and medium manufacturing companies let it be the foundry clusters of Madurai, manufacturing clusters of Virudachalam, Automotive clusters of Vijayawada has little support from the government. Unless these clusters and many more in the county are pushed to a level of manufacturing hubs we cannot strengthen our manufacturing base.
The so called Short term strategic investors have made the global economy in a state of six and seven. Today the need of the hour is bigger investments, long term investments and the policies that support to improve the productivity. The government must not let the doors of investment in PSUs just only to makeup the fiscal deficit. These steps will only exacerbate the situation. None of the Generation Y’s like me will oppose FDI in retail but Priority should be given to attract FDI in MSMEs. “The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones”……John Maynard Keynes

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