

Love is an emotion that keeps you in euphoria,one cannot be in euphoria all the time unless he is insane or a drug addict,hence in love. Love is like a drug it keeps you in high and also gives you a hangover.But,it is worthy of falling time and again. The subject love has captivated me to explore deep into the concept and understand it in a better way.
Let us talk about some experiences everyone might had in their life  some time or the other.When we are in love we fantasize  about that person, built our own imaginative world around him/her. Everything looks crazy.Their fragrance,walkway,city, street ,house,what not,even the inanimate objects of your beloved gets life. Everything looks so special!

Now my question is does this high experienced is only with one person once in a lifetime?
My answer would be no and we experience it many a time. people can argue with me that what ever i have mentioned above is only infatuation, not a love,i would say they are stupid and morons! on the earth. Some may fence my argument that to fall in love time and again is like breaching ones honesty and love without honesty has no meaning.I agree love without honesty has no meaning ,but what is honesty? honesty is not suppressing your feelings,deny your emotions or burying down your senses.Honesty is about accepting your emotions,understanding your emotions,value your emotions. If one is honest he feels the vibe of love many times.

 My next question is for what we love?
We love not to conquer ones heart but to create a space in his/her mind,fill it with our thoughts we achieve it through our personality which is crated by the STYLE OF OUR SOUL. It is this personality that drives crazy to fall in love. We love not to make a point but to experience the feeling,to value our emotion.There is no obligation in love there is only experience.

Does love always involve Romance?
One may feel the thoughts of his/her beloved gives more high than in romance with that same person.Some may feel Romance more satisfying than anything else. As far as my knowledge goes on,to love is to value,it depends o what value we attribute to love. For example a man/woman may risk their life to save their beloved because all other values would lose meaning without him/her.

You may ask me a question: if love is to value,does values change over time?then how can one fall in love many a time?
Yes, i once again ascertain, to love is to value,it is not the values that are changing it is the imaginative world that we built around a person that is shattered in real life. This makes love fade,it comes in occasional and sporadic.To keep up our commitment we bury our emotions.Though we fall in love many times we may give him/her up,rating our fear of disapproval of others higher than her/his value.

Now the famous question who understands more about love? a man or a woman?
The term 'more' in the question symbolizes quantification.It raises another question can we quantify love? my answer would be yes,one who is selfish and self-esteemed would understand more about love.A man who is selfless cannot value anything or anyone,his love has no meaning.Most of the men holds and promotes a false notion that his love is immeasurable,what an absolute stupidity!
 On a scale of ten, 7 out of 10 women will objectively analyse love,choose the best among the options. After all women are more self-esteemed if not selfish.

You can counter me with a logic-IF "one risks his life for his/her beloved". It is in contradiction with above explanation of selfishness in love .How can sacrifice and selfishness be on a same plane?
OK,if you got a chance to sacrifice anything,you sacrifice with an objective,if there is no objective in sacrificing then there is no meaning at all in your sacrifice. It means if objectiveness enters in to sacrifice it carries along with it, its dearest friend selfishness. sacrifice is involved in love,sacrifice has an objective,selfishness creeps in while choosing objectivity so sacrifice and selfishness can be in the same plane of love.

And finally this is not to impress any one,it is my understanding of love, my philosophical quest and still exploring................

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