
Friday, December 6, 2013


what is GLASS CEILING and explain its social significance?
Glass ceiling may be viewed or understood as an inherent"aspiration deficit" among some sections of society or a lack of opportunities that prevents the people from getting a break in the first place. In a sociological sense it may be a racial glass ceiling,gender glass ceiling, minority glass ceiling etc
Radical feminists like Simone-DE- Beauvoir, Sulasmith Firestone advocate patriarchy deliberately advances the technology which is not reached to the women exhibiting technological upper hand over women earning higher wages. Reflecting on the interface between poverty and gender WILCROFT indicates that most of the poor families in Europe  and america are the families of unwed mothers, Divorced women, Therefore poverty is adding to and subsequently intensifying gender inequality in class societies.
Modernization theory indicates women participation at work, The culture of democracy, Ideology of equality can put an end to gender stratification system.Breaking the theory of "glass ceiling" Indian women are aiming for sky taking the lead roles in many of the blue chips companies.some of them like
Nandini sethuraman-Bharati Walmart, Geetu Verma-Uniliver ltd, Anjali Mohanty-Deutsche bank, Anupama Ahulwalia-Coca cola, Sonu Grover-Coca cola, Sree Patel-Cadbury kraft, Raju Vashist-Walmart, Sangeeta Pedurkar-kellog. Diversity and inclusion is large on the agenda of most global companies.This is drilling down to the Indian subsidiaries as well. India inc has taken diversity seriously women are increasingly being hired for decision making roles.
In a country like India where there is a contesting relation between tradition and modernity, if the gender Glass Ceiling has to be really broken, women should be empowered socially and economically. It is just not the few individuals achievements that reflects the breaking of gender Glass Ceiling but the overall plight of the Indian women should be studied in a subjective manner where there is still a conflict between 21st century economy and the 20th century society is taking toll on the Indian women.


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